I'm not sure if these emails work anymore. There have been so many and the awareness should be pretty high.
If you don't know what the "Nigerian scam" is, let me explain quickly:
1) They have come across a huge amount of money, but they're not able to transfer it to anyone in their country. The money usually comes from a dead person who has no relatives, or from Saddam Husseins secret gold chambers - could be anything.
2) They offer you to receive a large percentage of that money,
3) To get the money you just need to provide some paperwork
4) Some complications occur with the transfer, they need you to transfer a smaller amount of money to get the transfer rolling again. Popular reasons are: You need to pay tax for the money before you can get it, you need to pay a lawyer to perform the paperwork or you have to bribe some important people to allow the money to be transferred - stuff like that.
5) Notice that part about sending them money in pt 4? That's how they get money and you lose money. If you'll hear from them again it is only so that they can get more money out of you.
Here is the email in both Norwegian and English (they use Google Translate or similar to create an email in your language) - This is just one example of many scams just like this one.
"Dear friend,
My name is Dr. Alex Morgan, from Harlesden North West England, formal senior project and program manager of Deutsche Bank, a trusted advisor for over 20 years and day Operations / Regional Manager, Branch Manager of Santander Bank in London, here in Santander. I worked for Latest ministers Bank London. I write for an appointment at my office that will be of enormous benefit to us both.
In my department, the Regional Operations Manager / Branch Manager of Santander Bank Plc. I discovered an abandoned sum of £ 21,500,000.00 Pounds Sterling (twenty million five hundred thousand pounds sterling) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers Late David McDowell Brown, an American citizen who unfortunately lost his life on February 1, 2003 through the southern U.S. space shuttle Columbia, he died as a single man.
The choice of contacting you is aroused from the geographical nature of where you live, particularly due to the sensitivity of the transaction and the confidentiality herein.
Now our bank has been waiting for some of his relatives to come up for the claim but nobody has done it. I personally have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for 5 years now,
I now seek your consent to present you as next of kin / Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at £ 21, 500, 000, 00 British pounds to be paid to you.
This will be disbursed or shared in these percentages, 50% to me, 40% to you while 10% is for all the expenses during prpcessing of this transaction, as I have secured all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up this claim. All I need is to fill in your name to the documents and legalize it in the court here to prove you as the legitimate beneficiary.
Also I need your honest co-operation, Confidentiality and Trust absolutely no doubt, to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.
Please provide me with the following as we have 5 days to run this through.
This is very URGENT PLEASE.
1. Full Name
2. You are Phone
3. You are contact address.
4. Profession
I have the bank form which I will send to you as soon as I receive the full data.
Yours respectfully"
Kjære venn,
Mitt navn er dr. Alex Morgan, fra Harlesden North West England, formell senior prosjekt og programmerer leder i Deutsche Bank, en betrodd rådgiver for over 20 år og dag Operations / Regional Manager Branch Manager Santander Bank i London, her i Santander. Jeg jobbet for Nyeste ministrene Bank London. Jeg skriver du etter en avtale på kontoret mitt som vil være av en enorm fordel for oss begge.
I min avdeling, er den Operations Regional Manager / Branch Manager Santander Bank Plc. Jeg oppdaget en forlatt sum på £ 21,500,000,00 Britiske Pund (tjue millioner fem hundre tusen britiske pund) i en konto som tilhører en av våre utenlandske kunder Late David McDowell Brown en amerikansk statsborger, som dessverre mistet livet på første februar 2003 gjennom den sørlige USA romfergen Columbia, døde han som singel mann.
Valget av kontakter du er vekket fra den geografiske natur hvor du bor, særlig på grunn av sensitiviteten av transaksjonen og konfidensialitet her.
Nå vår bank har ventet på noen av hans slektninger å komme opp for kravet, men ingen har gjort det. Jeg personlig har vært mislykket i finne slektninger i 5 år nå,
Jeg nå søker ditt samtykke til å presentere deg som pårørende / Will Betalingsmottakers til den døde, slik at utbyttet av denne kontoen verdi på £ 21, 500, 000, kan 00 britiske pounds bli utbetalt til deg.
Dette vil bli utbetalt eller delt i disse prosenter, 50% til meg, 40% til deg mens 10% er for alle utgiftene under prpcessing av denne transaksjonen, mens jeg har sikret alle nødvendige juridiske dokumenter som kan brukes til å sikkerhetskopiere dette kravet. Alt jeg trenger er å fylle inn ditt navn til dokumenter og legalisere det i rettssalen her for å bevise deg som legitim betalingsmottakeren.
Også jeg trenger din ærlige samarbeid, taushetsplikt og absolutt Trust ingen tvil, til at vi ser denne transaksjonen gjennom. Jeg kan garantere deg at dette vil bli behandlet under en lovlig ordning som vil beskytte deg mot eventuelle brudd på loven.
Vennligst gi meg med følgende som vi har 5 dager for å kjøre dette gjennom.
Dette er veldig URGENT PLEASE.
1. Fullt navn
2. Du er Telefonnummer
3. Du er kontaktadresse.
4. Yrke
Jeg har banken form som jeg vil sende til deg så snart jeg mottar full data.
Respektfullt Hilsen
Dr. Alex Morgan
Vennligst send din INFORMASJON TIL MIN PRIVATE EPOST: dr.1alex.morgan@hotmail.co.uk