søndag 10. juni 2012

Blemain Finance Limited scam

I recently got this email in Norwegian:

"hallo Trenger du en lån? Hvis ja, kan du komme tilbake for mer informasjon. Jeg venter på svar. Hilsen Anne White"

If I translate it back to English it says something like:

"Hello Need a loan? If yes, please come back for more information. I am waiting for an answer. Greeting Anne White"

Not so much to work with. However, here are some things to notice:

  1. The email was sent from bfl1976@wss-id.org through Yahoo. Obviously not a company email. 
  2. If you go to http://www.wss-id.org you'll see that it is some kind of "geek community" for Indonesian people. Either the email was "stolen" from the original user, the email was created there to get an email in the first place, or the scammer is indonesian and using his/her own email address registered at this web site. This point is not so important as poinst 1. 
  3. If googling "Blemain Finance Limited" I find a company in Manchester, UK. This company is legit. I also find a website with the title "Blemain Finance Group" which has the same logo as in the email. This site is related to the same company in Manchester.
  4. By googling "Anne White" on any of these two web sites, I don't get any results. 
  5. I doubt that "Anne White" would use bfl1976@wss-id.org as an email.
  6. The image used in the email is also downloaded from blemaingroup.co.uk, so it confirms that this is the company they are trying to "impersonate"
  7. On this url there is a warning that you can read below: 
  8. http://www.blemainfinance.co.uk/consumer.aspx 
  9. So please beware that Blemian Group is legit, but this email is a scam.

Warning image from blemainfinance.co.uk:

I said I was interested in a loan and got this email:

"god dag

Takk for ditt svar til våre innlegg.

Jeg ville like å informere deg om at vi er glad for å ha deg som kunde i dette respektfull selskapet, og vi ser frem til å ha en god forretningssamarbeid med deg.

Svar på e-post må du forstå at dette selskapet gir ut lån til både enkeltpersoner og firmaer over hele verden for økonomisk forbedring og kjøp av egenskaper. Du må også oppmerksom på at dette selskapet gi låne beløpet som strekker seg fra summen av 20,000.00 Eur - 50,000,000.00 Eur og alle lån transaksjonen/beregninger utføres på renten 3 %

Hvis du vil aktivere oss gi deg lån vilkår/betingelser, du bes vennlig om å gi oss med den under informasjon som vil gjøre det mulig for oss fortsette med transaksjonen.

Informasjon som er nødvendig:

Fullt navn:
Lånebeløpet er nødvendig:
Lån varighet:

Så snart du gi oss med disse opplysningene, vil vi sende deg neste trinn om denne transaksjonen.

Avventer svaret.

Din trofast
Anne White"

in English:

"good day Thanks for your response to our posts. I would like to inform you that we are glad to have you as a customer in this honorable company, and we look forward to having a good business relationship with you. Reply to e-mail, you must understand that this company gives out loans to individuals and companies throughout the world for economic improvement and purchase of properties. You must also be aware that this company provide the loan amount ranging from the sum of 20,000.00 Eur - Eur 50,000,000.00 and all loan transactions / calculations performed on the interest rate 3% To enable us to give you loan terms / conditions, you are kindly requested to provide us with the information that will enable us continue with the transaction. Information needed: Full Name: Country: The loan amount is required: Loan duration: Once you provide us with this information, we will send you the next step of this transaction. Awaiting response. your faithful Anne White"

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